Home / The Jedi / Revenge of the Sith / A-F / Dree-Tekes


Dree-Tekes was a female Gran Jedi Knight during the time of the Old Republic. As a Jedi Knight, Dree was dispatched to the planet of Stend IV. There, she was to thwart the plans of the terrorist group calling themselves the Army of Life, who was fanatical about leaving the ecology of a planet as wild and random as possible, with no interference from outsiders.

On Stend IV, the Army of Life were attempting to import a shipment of clodhoppers, meter long insectoid omnivores that ravage planets of all resources. Clodhoppers never stop eating and never stop reproducing and have destroyed many colony worlds, devouring the colonists' resources and eventually the colonists themselves. Obviously, a release of clodhoppers on Stend IV would spell doom for that planet, and the Army of Life needed to be stopped.

Dree-Tekes was the Jedi chosen for such a task. When she arrived on Stend IV, Dree rounded up the few Gran with any military experience she could find. Arming them with weapons she was able to come across, she led the team to attack the ship bringing in the clodhoppers, the Majestic Gundark. Slicing her way in with her lightsaber, Dree located the shipment of clodhoppers and contained it while her teammates handled the ship's passengers. Through the work of Dree-Tekes, Jedi Knight, the planet of Stend IV was saved from ecological disaster.