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Ma'kis'shaalas - Page 2

Known as a Jedi of action, it was easy to forget that Ma'kis'shaalas spent much time in meditation, perhaps more than most Jedi. However, when the time came to act, Ma'kis'shaalas carried out his decisions confidently and without hesitation. This confidence enabled him to make quick and immediate decision, most of which were found to be correct. It was this confidence and this devotion to the Jedi that allowed Ma'kis'shaalas to break tradition by entering the Order at an age far older than normal and eventually attain the rank of Jedi Master.

During his time as a Jedi, Ma'kis'shaalas returned to the planet of his birth to seek out his old friends on a mission of peace. Finding his old friend Tsyr in the Wannschok, a stretch of desert also called the Endless Wastes. Hoping to return home to welcoming arms, Ma'kis'shaalas was disappointed to find his arrival was spurned by Tsyr. Ma'kis'shaalas left the Morgukai at a time when their light was fading from the galaxy and Tsyr could never forgive Ma'kis'shaalas for contributing to the decline of their order. During Ma'kis'shaalas' absence, Tsyr had risen to lead the Morgukai and Ma'kis'shaalas' return incensed him to no end.

The two fought in the Wannschok among the Daggersand Ridges, Jedi versus Morgukai. The battle went back and forth, both landing blows and leaving scars. Tsyr acquired scars across his face from Ma'kis'shaalas' lightsaber and the Jedi Master's arms were scarred from Tsyr's staff. The battle came to an end when Tsyr lost his footing and plummeted into the rocky Skulljaw Grottoes. With the battle over, Ma'kis'shaalas left Kintan never to return, that part of his life now completely in the past. Tsyr survived his fall however and maintained the Morgukai tradition until the time of the Clone Wars when he was recruited into the inner circle of Count Dooku. Serving the Sith Lord, Tsyr and his son Bok, also trained in the ways of the Morgukai, proved to be a very sharp thorn in the sides of Jedi Knights Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura.

Years later, Darth Sidious would gain control of the Republic under the guise of Chancellor Palpatine. Manipulating galactic events, Sidious and his apprentice, Count Dooku, orchestrated a separatist movement that ultimately led to the Clone Wars. It was a three pronged attack that aimed to transfer more power to Sidious, provided him with a standing army, and decimate the Jedi Order, all from behind the scenes. As the Jedi were swept up in the Clone Wars and Jedi Master Ma`kis`shalaas followed. When Palpatine revealed himself as a Sith Lord and caught the Jedi off guard with Order 66, Ma`kis`shalaas was one of the lucky few to escape alive.

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