Agreeing to help the woman, Yoshi was introduced to her bug-like servant, Skeeter, who was dressed in formal clothes and fluttered around on a large pair of wings. Reminding them of the ball Lord Gar-Oth had planned for the evening, the woman gave Yoshi some party clothes to accompany her. Later that evening at the ball, Yoshi got his first glimpse of Lord Gar-Oth, a huge slug-like creature accompanied by a group of aliens to which he referred to as his Mystics. At the ball, Gar-Oth welcomed the princess but explained that his Mystics had envisioned a 'foreseen one' that would break them up. To prevent this, Gar-Oth insisted that the two wed right there at the ball. Feeling that this was a good time to step in, Yoshi, perhaps brashly, stepped in and introduced himself as the princess' husband. At this, Gar-Oth became enraged and lunged at Yoshi with the intent to kill him. The two became engaged in battle and Skeeter prevented anyone from interfering by stating the common law that made combat between suitors legal, but without any interference from living beings. Accordingly since droids weren't living, Gar-Oth used them to his advantage as he battled Yoshi. Revealing his wedding present to the princess, Gar-Oth let loose a droid as tall as the castle chamber itself. Called the Goliath, the droid was controlled by Gar-Oth's telepathic link, and soon went after Yoshi to crush him. Telling the princess to go after Gar-Oth and sever the link to the giant droid, Yoshi went after the Goliath himself. However, Gar-Oth managed to overpower the princess with the intent to kill her, and held her down as his Mystics moved in to deliver the death stroke. Yoshi now had to decide whether or not to save the princess or continue going after the droid. However, the princess' servant, Skeeter, provided an answer to that solution as he took the Mystics out of commission. It was at this point that the princess revealed a blade of her own and proceeded to end Gar-Oth's despotic rule as well as his life. Now, all that was left was the Goliath. Jumping atop the beast, Yoshi managed to dodge the fire of the backup droids, and use the Goliath's own circuitry to fix his lightsaber. With that fixed, Yoshi easily dispatched the Goliath and ended its ferocious attacks. With the princess' people freed, she took the throne as the planet's ruler. With that, the Jedi arrived on the planet to pick up Yoshi. With a final goodbye, the princess told Yoshi to grow up a bit and then return to her. On the way back, the Jedi who picked him up joked about how Yoshi got himself stranded on such a backwater planet. However, Yoshi took their jokes with a grain of salt and only replied that he someday might return.