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Vima-Da-Boda - Page 4

Vima and Chewbacca made their way to one of the hidden bases the Alliance kept, as they did not want to be all in one place for too long. Meeting with Luke, it was decided that Vima, Luke, the Jedi, and Alliance forces would make an attack on the Reborn Emperor's ship, Eclipse II, at Onderon and attempt to destroy the Emperor once and for all. Hoping to hide in the wilds on Onderon, soldiers of the natives, led by Modon Kira, protect Leia from any that might have wished to harm her. However, Disguising himself as a lost monk, the Emperor makes his way to Leia's hideout and begins his effort of transferring his spirit into baby Anakin Solo.

During the struggle however, Luke Skywalker arrived with Vima and Empatojayos. In a fierce battle with the Emperor, Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand managed to capture the Palpatine's spirit within himself as the Emperor tried to transfer his essence into Anakin. Unofortunately, Brand was eaten away from the inside by the Emperor's darkness, although, as Brand faded away, so did the Emperor within him. With the help of Luke Skywalker, Vima-Da-Boda, Empatojayos Brand, and others, the Emperor's spirit was finally extinguished from the galaxy.

With the Emperor dead once and for all, and the Empire's forces scattered, a celebration was thrown on Onderon, but during the festivities, Vima quietly and mysteriously disappeared. Leia and Luke hoped that Vima would help them both restore the Jedi Order, as she was an important link between them and the Old Republic Jedi. Unfortunately however, Vima disappeared once more into the underworld of the galaxy and did not appear until many years later. It is unknown what Vima-Da-Boda was up to during the years after she went missing. In that time, the New Republic rebuilt itself from the previous wars, and Luke Skywalker began training a new order of Knights in the ancient Massassi Temples of Yavin IV.

As new Knights emerged, and more teachers filled the ranks, teaching at the Academy, such did Vima arise from the depths of her exile. She subsequently eventually met up with Skywalker once more and actually served as an instructor on Yavin IV teaching, and sometimes intimidating up and coming Jedi Knights. A history that spanned more than two centuries, Vima had been to hell and back, to see the near extinction of the Jedi Knights, a war that consumed the entire galaxy, and the restoration of the Jedi Order to once again protect peace and justice throughout the galaxy.

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